Masks for oily skin

Oily skin The sebaceous glands produce oils to lubricate the skin, but in the case of oily skin there is an imbalance where the glands secrete a lot of oils to make the skin look shiny and it has a lot of acne and blackheads and the appearance of the skin is always dull and dirty

Oily skin is due to several reasons, including genetic causes, "excess hormone secretions", the diet containing too much fat, and the high level of hormones during puberty.

The best masks for oily skin

Oatmeal mask 

for oily skin Where oatmeal absorbs excess oils in the skin And helps moisturize the skin

How to prepare it Mix an amount of ground oatmeal, add hot water and honey to it, mix them all, let it cool, then apply it on your face for 15 minutes, then wash your face and enjoy a radiant complexion.

Tomato mask

where tomatoes contain astringent properties, which leads to a reduction in oil secretion Cut the tomato into slices and rub it on your face for 3 minutes, then rinse your face. Repeat this recipe daily for a week and you will notice the difference.

Aloe vera mask

Aloe vera has anti-bacterial properties and reduces oil production in the skin. It is also an ideal skin soothing agent

How to prepare it Take aloe vera gel and a tablespoon of honey, mix them and apply them on your face, leave them for 20 minutes, and then wash your face.

Coffee, cinnamon and coconut oil mask

Coffee is a natural skin exfoliator, as it removes dead skin cells Cinnamon has anti-bacterial properties and reduces acne Coconut cleanses the skin of impurities and is a great moisturizer for the skin

How to prepare it Half a spoonful of cinnamon One tablespoon of coffee A spoonful of coconut oil. Mix the mixture well and put it on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse your face. Repeat this mask every week.

Banana and lemon mask

Bananas are a natural moisturizer for the skin and reduce oils. Lemon lightens the skin and contains vitamin C, which helps in collagen production

How to prepare it Mash the banana and put on it a teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey and put it on the face for 15 minutes, then wash your face.

Papaya, lemon and rose water mask

Papaya reduces the secretion of oils in the skin, is a natural exfoliator, and fights facial wrinkles Rose water is a natural skin soother and a natural astringent, and works to reduce enlarged pores. in oily skin Lemon is a natural antiseptic and works to lighten the skin

How to prepare it Mash a piece of ripe papaya, add a few drops of lemon and a spoonful of rose water to it, mix them well, put them on your face for 15 minutes, then wash your face

Daily routine for oily skin care

Cleanse the skin using a skin-friendly lotion twice a day, preferably charcoal lotion, as it deep cleanses the skin and reduces oily skin secretions.

Use a toner

Apply the toner on the face after cleansing it, as it equalizes the acidity of the skin, which prevents the formation of germs on the skin, narrows the pores, and improves the appearance of oily skin.

Moisturizing the skin

Use a moisturizer suitable for your skin that does not contain oils is water-based, used once in the morning and evening
To maintain moisture and elasticity of the skin and to compensate the skin for lost oils

Sun cream

To maintain moisture and elasticity of the skin and to compensate the skin for lost oils

One of the most important steps in the daily routine of the skin is sunscreen, as it protects the skin from the dangers of sunlight. It must be free of oils and perfumes, and must be moisture and water resistant. It is important that it is suitable for oily skin, and that it is renewed every 20 minutes.

Mask for the skin

Use the appropriate mask for your skin to moisturize the skin, clean it of dirt and reduce excess oils.

Finally, oily skin is not as bad as you think, but it has many advantages. The oils secreted by the skin slow wrinkles and fine lines. The skin is softer

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