Causes of :acne and its treatment

 Harmful foods that cause acne

Acne and its treatment
Causes of acne and its treatment

Acne is a common skin problem that affects approximately 10% of the world's population. There are many factors that can cause acne, such as the production of dead skin cells, sebum, bacteria, hormones, clogged pores, and infections. Recent studies provide evidence that diet leads to the development of acne. Acne-causing foods such as canned food, chocolate, and fast food make the problem inextricable. And now let's figure out which foods cause acne.

Foods that cause acne

1) Refined cereals and sugar

People with acne problems consume more refined carbohydrates. Foods that contain refined carbohydrates include:

  • Desserts made from bread, biscuits, cereals, and flour
  • White rice and pasta
  • Soda and other sugary drinks
  • Sweeteners such as maple syrup, honey or aloe vera

People who consume sugar are 30% more likely to develop acne. The increased danger is due to the effect of refined carbohydrates on blood sugar and insulin levels. Carbohydrates are absorbed into the bloodstream It raises blood sugar levels very quickly. As blood sugar rises, insulin levels also rise, which transports blood sugar into the bloodstream and cells. This is because it increases sebum production and contributes to the appearance of acne.

2) dairy products
The reason why milk increases the severity of acne is because it increases insulin levels. Milk contains amino acids that stimulate the liver to produce more IGF-1, which is associated with the development of acne. 

3) fast food
Acne is caused by excessive consumption of calories, fats and refined carbohydrates. Fast foods such as hamburgers, nuggets, hot dogs, french fries, soda, and milkshakes increase the risk of acne. The fast food diet affects gene expression, which increases the risk of acne and changes hormone levels to promote the development of acne.

4) foods that are high in omega-6
Increased consumption of foods containing omega-6 fatty acids has led to increased inflammation and acne. This is because in modern diets, foods rich in omega-6 fats are replaced by omega-3 fats, such as fish and walnuts.
This imbalance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids pushes the body into an inflammatory state that worsens the severity of acne. Conversely, omega-3 fatty acids have been found to reduce inflammation levels and acne severity.

5) chocolate

Chocolate has been suspected of being one of the acne-causing foods since the 20th century, but this has not been proven to this day. Some recent research suggests a relationship between eating chocolate and acne

6) Whey protein powder
Whey protein is a popular dietary supplement. This amino acid causes skin cells to grow and divide faster. It is one of the reasons that helps in the formation and spread of acneThe amino acids contained in whey protein also encourage the body to produce higher levels of insulin, which leads to the appearance of acne.

7) Caffeine and alcohol

One study found that coffee reduces insulin sensitivity. This means that blood sugar levels will stay higher than normal for longer than usual after drinking coffee. This increases inflammation and worsens acne.

8) canned food

Frozen food is a bad sign as it contributes to acne. These often include additional ingredients such as flavorings, oils, spices and preservatives. Ready-to-eat foods are often heavily processed and cause acne.

9) Fried food

Chips, french fries, and hamburgers. Fried and other processed foods are also foods that cause acne. They also have a high glycemic index, which causes blood sugar levels to increase rapidly and causes inflammatory conditions such as acne.

Foods that prevent the formation of acne
Although the foods above contribute to the

Omega-3 fatty acids: omega-3 oils are anti-inflammatory, and eating these oils reduces acne.

Probiotics: live bacteria reduce inflammation. Thus prevents the development of acne

Green tea: Green tea: Green tea contains polyphenols that reduce inflammation and sebum production, which contributes to the formation of acneGreen tea extract reduces the severity of acne when applied to the skin.

Turmeric: Turmeric contains the anti-inflammatory polyphenol curcumin, which helps regulate blood sugar, increase insulin sensitivity, and inhibit the growth of acne-causing bacteria.

Vitamins A, D, E and zinc: these nutrients play an important role in skin and immune health and help prevent acne.

Mediterranean diet: the Mediterranean diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fish, olive oil, milk and saturated fats. This diet prevents the appearance of acne.

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