Walking therapy: and its amazing benefits

 Walking therapy!! You will be surprised to know what regular walking

Walking therapy

Walking therapy!! You will be surprised to know what regular walking will do to your body. Walking regularly is a great cardio exercise and an effective way to speed up your metabolism. Helps reduce the spread of chronic diseases. The health and therapeutic benefits of walking can be listed as follows:

1_Walking helps you lose weight.
Walking, especially after eating, helps burn calories and reduce weight
The researchers designed an experiment that involved obese patients walking together in and around the city. After weeks, the weight was controlled and more than 50% of the participants had lost an average of 50 pounds.

 2_Walking therapy is an effective and inexpensive way to save energy, burn calories, and improve heart health.

 3_Walking can help improve your heart health. A study in adult women showed a positive association between improved biomarkers of cardiovascular health after walking and cardiovascular health.

4_Several studies indicate that walking reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by up to 31%. According to American Heart Association guidelines, all adults should do at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise (such as brisk walking) daily, 30 days a week.

5_Control blood pressure. Walking therapy helps improve blood circulation and lower blood pressure. Researchers at Wakayama Medical College in Japan conducted a trial on patients with mild hypertension, asking 83 participants to walk 10,000 steps a day for 12 weeks. After 12 weeks, my blood pressure had dropped significantly, and my physical strength had increased. Even if you can't complete 10,000 steps a day, try walking for at least 30 minutes a day to control your blood pressure levels.

6_Regulating blood sugar levels: Walking short distances regularly can help improve blood sugar levels during fasting and after eating. A small study in inactive older adults with blood sugar levels ranging from 105 to 125 mg/dL found that a short 15- or 45-minute walk after a meal (breakfast, lunch, or dinner) modulated the postprandial glucose response.

7_Therapeutic walking strengthens bones and enhances joint mobility. It works on flexibility between the joints and strengthens the bones by strengthening the muscles.

8_Increased lung capacity

Walking increases' lung capacity. When you walk, you receive more oxygen than if you were standing still. This greater exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide increases lung capacity, which can improve endurance and exercise ability.

Published research suggests that exercise may help increase lung volume.

9_Walking reduces stress. Walking treats and helps reduce stress levels by improving blood circulation, which supplies cells with nutrients and oxygen. It also stimulates the receptors of the nervous system and reduces the production of stress hormones.

10_To improve your memory, you should walk every day. Japanese scientists have discovered that walking may help improve memory in elderly patients.

11_Improve digestive function. Along with healthy eating habits, walking is a remedy for improving digestive function. Studies have shown that low-intensity exercise may help prevent digestive disorders. Improves motility and blood flow in the digestive system. However, there is limited evidence about its effects on constipation and constipation in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) 

12_Makes you feel good: Many scientific studies have proven that physical activity helps prevent depression. Doctors and psychiatrists highly recommend walking to improve your mood.

What do you need to start hiking?

Hiking requires a few basics. Here is a list of materials needed for walking:

  • Wear comfortable clothing and exercise shoes when going hiking. 
  • Motivation is absolutely essential for the first five days.
  •  Pedometer to track your walking goals.
  •  Use your walking planner to find the best walking route and calculate your heart rate, calories burned, steps taken, and more.

How to increase the number of calories burned while walking

Besides body weight and speed, there are other factors that can increase calorie burning while walking.

Here's how to make walking stronger:
  • You can walk on a rough hill, incorporate this into your walking route, or try incline walking on a treadmill.
  • Even if you can't maintain a fast pace throughout your walk, increase your pace in short bursts.
  • Spending more time burning your feet increases calories.
  • even if you can't do it during the week.
  • Try taking a long walk for at least an hour on the weekend.

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