Green coffee for lose weight

 Green coffee for slimming: the most important benefits and harms

Green coffee for slimming
Source freepik 

Green coffee bean extract contains the compound caffeine, which may help boost metabolism by 3% to 11%, and it is believed that the main active ingredient in green coffee extract is chlorogenic acid; study conducted on mice and published in the journal Complementary Medicine and Therapies in 2006 showed that taking green coffee bean extract may help reduce body weight, reduce the absorption of fats from food, in addition to reducing the percentage of fat stored in the liver, as indicated by another study published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology in 2010 suggested that chlorogenic acid may help increase hormone levels (Adiponectin), which is the hormone responsible for burning fat, chlorogenic acid and caffeine may together contribute to reducing belly fat by increasing lipolysis or increasing the release of energy from fat cells, and it is worth noting that green coffee beans offer some other health benefits, such as improving the balance of blood sugar and insulin levels, increasing the feeling of satiety, and reducing the absorption of sugars; which contributes to lowering triglyceride levels in the blood and liver.

So what is the importance of green coffee for slimming

The truth about the benefits of green coffee for slimming
The chlorogenic acids contained in green coffee, in turn, help in the process of losing weight. 

but does this include all types of coffee

When coffee beans are roasted, the levels of chlorogenic acids in them decrease, so this substance is at its highest levels in green coffee beans, so the relationship stems from the role of green coffee for slimming.

Some scientific evidence has confirmed the role of green coffee beans in the weight loss process, and some have found that the extract of these beans would work to lose weight, but by a small percentage.

In contrast, there are a limited number of studies that have examined this relationship, which means that there is a need for deeper research on the topic.

Despite the limited scientific studies on its benefits, many products are promoted for their effectiveness in losing weight, so we advise you to pay close attention to this matter.

The benefits of green coffee

We mentioned earlier the role of green coffee for slimming, and now here are the most important health benefits associated with consuming other green coffee, which are both:

1. Weight loss
As mentioned at the beginning of the article, there is a limited role for the use of green coffee for slimming.

Chlorogenic acids help the body burn fat and reduce the effectiveness of carbohydrate absorption, thereby improving cholesterol levels in the body.

Moreover, many different scientific studies have linked caffeine to weight loss due to its role in enhancing metabolism and burning fat in the body.

2. Improve blood sugar levels

Green coffee bean extract reduces inflammation in the body, which is positively reflected in the blood sugar level.

Green coffee beans have been found to play a role in reducing the amount of accumulated fat in the body and insulin resistance, and they may also help reduce the effectiveness of glucose absorption in the body in people with obesity.

3. Anti-aging

One of the most important benefits of green coffee beans is that they are anti-aging due to their antioxidant properties.

These properties help slow down the aging process of the body and specifically protect the skin from signs of aging.

4. Minimizing the risk of developing many different diseases
As mentioned, green coffee has antioxidant properties, which play a big role in reducing the risk of many diseases, especially chronic ones.

The antioxidants in coffee work to eliminate harmful free radicals in the body, and they also increase the risk of chronic diseases, the most important of which are heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

5. Improve mood and mental health

Of course, green coffee beans contain caffeine, which has been found to have a significant role in improving the general mood and mental health of a person if consumed in moderation.

Side effects of green coffee

Although there are many health benefits associated with consuming green coffee, there are some side effects that need to be known, especially if you want to use green coffee for weight loss .

  • Irritation of the stomach
  • Increased heartbeat
  • Frequent and constant urination
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Insomnia

It is worth knowing that all these side effects come as a result of the fact that green coffee contains caffeine.

Information of interest to you about green coffee

Green coffee beans are those that have not undergone roasting and have not turned brown, so they remain green.

It should be noted that coffee beans contain a certain substance known as chlorogenic acid, and it is believed that it has antioxidant properties that play a role in lowering blood pressure and helping with weight loss.

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