masks for hair growth

masks for hair growth

masks for hair growth

Hair growth is a very complex process that is interfered with by many factors that affect the slowing of its growth, including psychological factors, hormonal and pathological factors, as well as the use of chemical dyes, irons, consultation and genetic factors. In this article, we will discuss in detail these factors and also how the treatment of hair regrowth recipes and natural masks will help its growth.

Causes of hair loss

Genetics: Lack of hair growth may have genetic causes in the family

Hormonal factors: some hormonal problems may cause hair regrowth and loss, especially after childbirth, and women lose a lot of vitamins, which affects hair regrowth, as well as menopause and entering menopause, which causes a decrease in hormone levels

Tension and nervous pressure Poor psychological state is one of the direct causes of hair loss.

Take some medications 
Slow hair growth or thinning may be the result of taking medications prescribed to treat a disease, such as the following medications: Medicines used within chemotherapy programs. Blood thinners. Antidepressants.

Poor diet is one of the factors in hair non-growth, as it deprives the hair of getting proteins, iron and vitamins that help to grow healthy hair.

Masks and recipes that help stimulate and grow hair naturally

Below, we will review some natural masks and recipes for healthy hair growth.

Ginger mask for hair growth
Ginger stimulates hair growth and stimulates blood circulation, and olive oil and coconut oil help protect hair from damage and help grow healthy hair.

The method is to put a large suspension of ginger skin on a large suspension of coconut oil and olive oil, mix well and massage the scalp with it for a while 5 minutes to control the blood circulation. Leave it for 15 minutes, then wash your hair gently.

Banana mask for hair growth 
mask Bananas are rich in potassium, natural oils, vitamins and antioxidants that help reduce the problem of hair loss and thus increase its density. 

The method is to mash two bananas well. Add a tablespoon of wheatgrass oil, another tablespoon of jojoba oil, and a tablespoon of honey, and mix them well. Apply it to your hair Leave the mask on the hair for 30 minutes, then wash it with shampoo.

Avocado and aloe vera mask

Avocado is an ideal ingredient to nourish and moisturize your hair, as mentioned above, because it is rich in non-monounsaturated fatty acids. The hair mask also contains aloe vera, which has anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe the scalp. Both ingredients are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals that nourish the hair from the outside to the inside

The method Mash a ripe avocado with two tablespoons of natural aloe vera gel and a teaspoon of coconut oil.

And massage your scalp well, then apply it to the rest of the hair, leave it for a while (about 30 minutes to get a great result), and then wash it with shampoo as usual.

Onion mask for hair growth 
Yes, as you heard, I know that its smell is very strong and unbearable, but let's look at the positive side. Onions have great benefits, as they contain sulfur, which is considered a very powerful stimulant for hair growth

The Method: Beat the onion well in the blender, then squeeze it and massage it into the scalp for (5 minutes), then leave it on your hair (30 minutes), then rinse it well with shampoo to get rid of the smell.

Flaxseed mask for hair growth

Flaxseed and the gel extracted from it contain proteins, vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, and B vitamins. Flaxseed is a natural hair moisturizer and anti-inflammatory, and it is possible to introduce flaxseed into your diet for faster results.

The method is to bring a quarter cup of flax seeds and put two cups of water on them and leave them for a few 6 hours inside the refrigerator to get a better result, then put them on the fire until boiling on a quiet fire for a few minutes, strain it well to get the gel, let it cool, then put it on the scalp and hair and massage the scalp well and leave for an hour, then rinse your hair. Repeat this mask once a week; it is a good stimulator of hair growth.

Ring seed mask for hair growth 
Fenugreek seeds are one of the natural sources rich in many vitamins, proteins, and iron, and are also considered one of the essential elements for growth hair.

Method: Soak a portion of fenugreek seeds with water for 8 hours. Fenugreek seeds are mashed to make a paste. Put the paste on the hair for about 30 minutes, and then rinse the hair with water.

Important tips

In the end, hair growth masks may help stimulate and improve hair growth, but you must be patient because their results are not immediate, they may extend for weeks, and it is very important to test any mask you will use on your skin. First to check for any allergic reactions. In addition to using masks that help hair growth, you should also follow a healthy diet that contains all the elements and vitamins that hair needs for its growth. Stay away from stress and get enough sleep as well. Don't rely on masks alone. You should consult a doctor. There may be a medical reason behind the lack of hair growth

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