beautiful places in egypt to visit

Egypt is a charming and diverse country in terms of cultures and religions. It is a witness of many civilizations, and this is what makes it a unique state. Egypt is one of the most important and famous tourist countries in the world, as it is characterized by tourist diversity, as it contains a third of the world's monuments, and there are still many things underground that have not yet been discovered. Its distinctive geographical location is located on the continent of Africa, and it extends to the continent of Asia through the Sinai Peninsula. Egypt was distinguished by its wonderful location and climate, which made it a fertile land for the emergence of civilization. Which stretches for more than 7 thousand years.

Beautiful places worth visiting in Egypt

أماكن جميلة تستحق الزيارة في مصر
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The pyramids of Giza 

one of the most important tourist attractions in Egypt and even in the whole world, where the Great Pyramid of Cheops is classified as one of the Seven Wonders of the world and is located . They are Khufu, Khafre, and mqqur. They are royal tombs bearing the names of the Kings of this era.

The Grand Egyptian Museum

المتحف المصري الكبير
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The museum is located on the Pyramid Plateau, 12 minutes from the pyramids of Giza. It is considered one of the largest museums in the world, it contains more than 100 thousand artifacts, including the entire treasures of King Tutankhamun and many mummies. It has entertainment venues, among which there are souvenir shops, restaurants and parks. The museum is distinguished by its elegant shape, as it was built in the form of monolithic triangles symbolizing the three pyramids. It will be opened soon and will witness a grand celebration such as the ceremony of the transfer of mummies.

Al-Mu'izz Street for the religion of Allah al-Fatimi

شارع المعز لدين الله الفاطمي
Beautiful places in Egypt 

It is considered one of the oldest streets in the world and is located in the Al-Azhar district of central Cairo. It is a tourist and archaeological site visited by thousands daily, and archaeologists have ranked it as the largest open-air museum of Islamic antiquities.
It includes Islamic buildings, residential and commercial buildings that are characterized by Islamic architecture, and also contains many ancient handicraft shops that were distinguished by Old Cairo.

Valley of the whales

وادي الحيتان
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The valley of whales is located inside the Wadi Al-Rayyan Reserve in Fayoum governorate, with fossils dating back to 4 million years and more. An open-air maritime museum crosses the fossilized structures of primitive whales, sharks, water turtles and mermaids. The UNESCO organization has registered the reserve as a World Natural Heritage site, where there are now some rare and endangered animals and birds, including them. Egyptian gazelle, white gazelle, fennec fox, and sand fox, as well as rare birds such as peregrine falcons, gazelle
falcons, and peregrine falcons.

Samadai Reserve or Dolphin House

محمية ساماداي أو دولفين هاوس
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This nation is the third place in the world where there are large flocks of dolphins, and tourists come to enjoy science with dolphins as well as diving activities and the most beautiful coral reefs. This reserve will be one of the most beautiful places in Egypt to visit. 

Taba Reserve

محمية طابا
Beautiful places in Egypt to visit

Taba Reserve Tourists flock there to enjoy the charming nature and picturesque beaches located on the Egyptian-Palestinian border, which are more than 5 thousand years old. The reserve is characterized by colorful fish and endangered coral reefs, and is characterized by its rocky nature with valleys and plateaus.

Zaman Taba Castle

Designed in medieval style, everything has been recycled to preserve nature. It is located on the highest hill in Taba and is literally one of the most beautiful places in Egypt, where you can see all the beaches of Taba as well as the mountains of Nuweiba in Saudi Arabia. There are many activities, such as diving and enjoying the unique coral reefs. There are spa and massage places. The place features delicious Bedouin cuisine.

The island of plants in Aswan

جزيرة النباتات بأسوان
Beautiful places in Egypt to visit

The island is located in Aswan, which is one of the most important tourist attractions in the city and is considered one of the oldest botanical gardens in the world, where there are many trees and rare plants worldwide. The island is located in the middle of the Nile, surrounded by water everywhere, and boats are a means of transportation. It is a great place for a picnic, recreation and getting away from the noise of the city.

Siwa Oasis

واحة سيوة
Beautiful places in Egypt to visit 

Siwa Oasis is classified as one of the most important winter tourist attractions in the world because it enjoys a warm atmosphere in winter and is suitable for all activities. The Siwa Oasis is located southwest of Mursi Matrouh on the Libyan border. It is one of the most beautiful places in Egypt, and tourists come to it from everywhere. It is also famous for medical tourism because it contains hot and sulfuric water that cures joint diseases, rheumatism and skin diseases, and is also buried with hot sand for healing.

It is also famous for the presence of archaeological sites such as the temple of Amun and the mountain of the Dead, which includes many pharaonic burials.

It houses many endangered animals such as the chia plant, the fennec fox, rare cats, thin-Horned deer, and some birds.

Abu Simbel Temple in Aswan

معبد أبو سمبل بأسوان
Beautiful places in Egypt to visit

The temple of Abu Simbel is one of the most famous archaeological temples in Egypt, it was built during the reign of King Ramses II. 

The temple receives thousands of tourists in February every year to witness the phenomenon of the sun being perpendicular to the face of Ramses II. 

Types of tourism in Egypt

 Cultural tourism

It is represented by museums, temples, Islamic and Coptic monuments, the library of Alexandria.

Recreational tourism

Which includes the picturesque beaches of Egypt such as Sinai, Sharm el Sheikh, Dahab, el Arish, Taba.

Medical tourism

Which is characterized by the oasis of Siwa, Safaga, Helwan and Farafra, which is the eye of Moses

Pharaoh's baths and Helwan's sulfuric eyes.

The best time to visit Egypt

Spring and winter are considered one of the best seasons in Egypt due to the moderation of the weather that allows tourists to practice all activities, but in general Egypt enjoys moderate weather throughout the year.

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